
    Estée Lauder Companies launches Beauty Countdown Advent Calendar

    Beauty brand, Estée Lauder Companies, has announced the launch of their limited edition Beauty Countdown Advent Calendar. The Limited Edition Beauty Countdown is the ultimate beauty addict’s advent calendar including all your festive skincare must-haves, party makeup and hair essentials, along with exclusive offers all for £150. This Limited Edition advent calendar boasts 25 drawers filled with iconic products from some of the world’s leading beauty brands such as Estée Lauder, Clinique, Origins, MAC, Bobbi Brown, Aveda, Bumble and bumble, Darphin, Smashbox, GLAMGLOW and Michael Kors.

    Available from 23rd October 2018 from: www.esteelauder.co.uk, www.clinique.co.uk, www.origins.co.uk, www.maccosmetics.co.uk, www.bobbibrown.co.uk, www.bumbleandbumble.co.uk, www.darphin.co.uk, www.smashbox.co.uk, www.glamglow.co.uk


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